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Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, Revised 4th Edition

Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, Revised 4th Edition

A Complete Training Solution for Hazardous Materials Technicians and Incident Commanders!
In 1982, the authors Mike Hildebrand and Greg Noll, along with Jimmy Yvorra, first introduced the concept of the Eight-Step ProcessĀ© for managing hazardous materials (hazmat) incidents when their highly regarded manual, Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident was published. Now in its revised fourth edition, this text is widely used by fire fighters, hazmat teams, bomb squads, industrial emergency response teams, and other emergency responders who may manage unplanned hazardous materials incidents. As a result of changing government regulations and consensus standards, as well as the need for terrorism response training, Mr. Noll and Mr. Hildebrand have modified and refined their process of managing hazmat incidents and added enhanced content, tips, case studies, and detailed charts and tables.

    $122.95 Regular Price
    $98.36Sale Price
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